Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Why buy the cows when you can get the milk for 10 bucks a month?!?!

We all take some pride in our vast music collections. Be it due to our ecclectic array of music or our diehard loyalty to one or two specific genres; we all like to show off what we are listening to because it is ultimately an extension of who we are. So the question is posed to my avid i-tunes buyers.... Is it really necessary to own the music or would paying a nominal for renting it out be enough?

For what you pay for one album on i-tunes, you could get a month of unlimited listening on rhapsody and then if you simply have to have the song in your "permanent" collection then you could buy it for $0.79 (a $0.20 premium below i-tunes).

While this may not be totally advantageous to record sales I do believe that this gives music fans a chance to freely explore genres and that they would usually have to pay a substantial opportunity cost (time, money, or so on) to discover. At the same time many may find it cumbersome to have to pay a fee to remotely listen to the music that they use to buy. Another drawback is that these songs wont work on ipods.


To rent or own

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